March 8, 2013 in Disability Verification, Q&A

Q & A: SSD as Verification of Disability

Q & A: SSD as Verification of Disability

Question:  If my tenant is getting SSD (Social Security Disability) income, do I still need to verify with a doctor that they’re disabled?  ~Kathy, OH

Answer:  To answer that question, you have to look at a combination of 4350.3 3-28(B)2 and Figure 3-5.  Together, they show that receiving SSD income is enough to verify disability for the following types of Section 8 only:  New Construction, Substantial Rehabilitation, State Agency, 515/8 (Section 8 with  Rural Development), Property Disposition Set-Aside and Section 8 within a Section 231 property.  For all other subsidy types (including 202/8s and BMIRs with Section 8), receiving SSD is not adequate verification of disability status.