October 11, 2016 in Eligibility

SAVE TPS Automatic Extension Issue Resolved

SAVE TPS Automatic Extension Issue Resolved

The SAVE System is a required verification system used by multifamily owners to verify the eligible immigration status of housing applicants that claim eligible noncitizen status.

On September 27, 2016, the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Help Desk informed the industry via email broadcast that some agencies have experienced difficulty verifying the automatic extension of certain benefit applicants whose Temporary Protected Status (TPS) was automatically extended. Queries run on the I-766 Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) presented by the applicant failed to return the correct extended date, requiring additional verification. The issue causing this error has been resolved.

SAVE encourages agencies that experienced difficulty verifying the status of applicants with TPS and an automatic extension to their EADs to ensure they have submitted the case for additional verification or re-run an initial verification request.

SAVE is planning to host a webinar to discuss the TPS process in October.

If you have any questions, please contact a SAVE representative by sending an email to SAVE.help@uscis.dhs.gov or calling 877-469-2563.

To learn more about the SAVE System and take a free webinar, visit their website: www.uscis.gov/SAVE or visit http://www.uscis.gov/save/save-training-opportunities to view their SAVE Tutorial.