June 3, 2012 in Social Security

Your Check Won’t Be In The Mail After This Year!

Your Check Won’t Be In The Mail After This Year!

Even the Associated Press (April 16, 2012) has gotten the word, and has sent out this warning of the March, 2013 deadline:  “Starting next year, the check will no longer be in the mail for millions of people who receive Social Security and other government benefits.”  Those “other government benefits” include veteran’s benefits, railroad pensions, and federal disability payments.  Tax refunds are exempt, but the IRS is encouraging taxpayers to get their refunds processed electronically. This switch is supposed to save the government approximately $120 million a year.

Please remind your residents about this change, so they can handle the transition from paper checks to electronic payments.  For more information, go to: www.GoDirect.org or call this toll free number: 1-800-333-1975.